Note: The following text is directly lifted from the Official Warpcast Blog, you can find the original page here.

Warpcast gives power badges to users who are active, interesting to others and not spammy.

What’s a power badge good for?

If you have a power badge, you:

The list of power badge holders is available to developers over an API. They may use it to:

How does Warpcast choose who gets a power badge?

It’s a PageRank like system which uses a recursive approach to identify power users. It depends broadly on the following factors:

  1. Activity — have you contributed to the network recently?
  2. Affinity — do power users like most of your recent contributions?
  3. Labelling — are you often flagged by other users or our machine learning systems for spam?

The most important things you can do to improve your probability of getting a power badge are: